Whence came my dissatisfaction?
Didn’t sleep. Pain waking.
I look in the mirror and imagine I look a little doughy.
Not doughty.
I know an antidote to do:
I’m supposed to strengthen my core
I make a plank on the floor.
I find a chair, get online,
Read a tweet. Someone famous dropped the name of someone i envy.
The person I envy is blowing up, getting quoted, responded to,
Clicked. Liked.
Suddenly I’m removed from my body
and I don’t see the sun on the grass.
The pine trees.
The house where my parents are awake,
Or not awake yet.
I ignore
The plant boxes my dad made where he will plant different sorts of vegetables
And harvest and. If he asks me and maybe even if he doesn’t I will help him weed and harvest.
Maybe I’ll mow the lawn. Something I like doing because it has a definite end and beginning and it’s hard work but you know when you are done, because the grass is short and there’s no more to mow.
Eventually there will be tomatoes.
Tomatoes and I’ll see my mother harvesting the tomatoes and weeding and maybe I’ll help her, if she asks or if she doesn’t.
And she’ll harvest all the tomatoes and they’ll be red, green, purple, yellow, and have a kind of dusty feel on the skin.
Mom will make tomato sandwiches with white bread, mayo and salt and that’s all you need.
And because of envy don’t hear the neighbor’s dog who barks every morning. Actually he barks throughout the day whenever he feels like it, which is often,
and it’s a little annoying but not that annoying because you like the neighbors.
And you approach the dog and you think he might bark louder and more ferociously
but instead he stops abruptly and just stares.
And there’s you and a silent dog engaged in a staring contest and he always wins, because You have places to go. You can’t stare at a dog until he looks away. Well, you can, but then I’d say you have some issues.
Anyway, I don’t notice all that.
Dissatisfaction is clamoring in my ear to come away with it.
Whence came my dissatisfaction.
Hey dissatisfaction why do you want to remove me? Why do I let you carry me away on waves of envy.
I’ll make a little boat. A little ship and sit in it and wait for the envy-waves to carry me away.
A sick sailor on my way to:
It’s grey, cold, crowded.
You can get a hot dog for $8.00.
All the lines are long and never move
And you must be this tall to ride the ride but you’re too short.
And There’s a giant mouse in a costume signing autographs — wait that’s no costume.
I can get dissatisfaction.
I can get dissatisfaction.
Once a purported fan told me talking to me was like talking to Mick Jagger.
Why do I say purported? He’s a fan. But there was also a smile in his voice.
It’s ok I can let myself believe it for a second. I’m Jagger-like in my…
Well, I’m not Jagger-like in any way.
I never liked the rolling stones.
I do like the idea of the Stones. These British guys steeped in the blues.
Soaked in the blues, dripping with the blues they’ve been soaked in, reeking of the blues they love — country too.
The Rolling Stones were the original alt-country band, 30 years before their time and a fraction as self–important as all those who followed.
The anti-beatles. Raw, shaggy, impudent, not giving a f___ not dressed in matching uniforms or playing for the queen, not perched unimpeachably at the top of the pops, not posh.
Oh man do I love the idea of the Rolling Stones.
But I don’t love, nor even really like the Rolling Stones.
I’m a Beatles guy.
Anyway oh envy.
I will stuff you down or better yet I will breathe and breathe
And in so doing will air myself out.
And my envy will (mostly) dissipate.
The funk will (mostly) evaporate.
Maybe I will be happy for the person I envy,
Maybe I’ll even read the tweet and find something like wisdom there
Ok maybe not
but maybe I’ll see
At least
The sun on the lawn.
And the plant boxes
Fallow now but soon to contain vegetables,
And the dog on the porch staring in my direction,
Knowing that he is the staring contest champion,
And well of course the birds.
The ones clamoring in the tall — impossibly tall — pine trees
and the singular one on the lawn
leaping up.
Not only leaping but flying
past the trees
out of the yard,
out of the neighborhood
and away down the road
past where I can see.
I really enjoy these. They’re like a glass of cold water, or company. Looking forward to seeing you in May if you’re home or in Baltimore if you pass through.
This is really good, Jason. Thanks for sharing it with us.